Selected tournament: RED POWER Kids League 2022. - 1.kolo

Place: Športna dvorana OŠ DRAGA KOBALA, Tolstojevska ulica 3, 2000 MARIBOR
Schedule: 29.01.2022
Organizer: ŠD RED POWER
Registrations till: 28.01.2022 13:00:00
Contact: Kristijan Kovačić -> +386 40 149 104 ;
Disciplines: Kyorugi, Kick, Poomsae
Full description: VABILO
Info about registrations:
Fee: 15 eura za tekmovalca - KICK 
20 eura za tekmovalca - BORBE 
20 eura za tekmovalca - POOMSAE 

30 eura - kombinacija
Tournament schedule: SOBOTA, 29.01.2022: 
10:00 - 11:00 - Prijava in registracija ekipe 
11:15 - 11:30 - Sestanek trenerjev in sodnikov 
12:00 - 18:00 - Tekmovanje
Number of entries in fights: 108
Number of clubs in fights: 9
Number of countries in fights: 2
Number of entries in poomsea: 20
Number of clubs in poomsae: 6
Number of countries in poomsae: 3
Total number of entries: 128
Total number of competitors: 96
total number of clubs: 10
Total number of countries: 3