Selected tournament: WORLD UITF TAEKWON-DO CUP 2024.

Place: Sports Hall “Novigrad-Cittanova’ Marketi No.2, Novigrad-Cittanova, Croatia
Schedule: 29.09.2024
Organizer: Unified International Taekwon-do Federation & Croatian Taekwon-do Institute UITF)
Registrations till: 18.09.2024 23:59:00 (Registrations are finished)
Contact: Tomislav Đaković -> +385 91 546 3310 ;
Disciplines: Sparring, Tull, Special Technique, Power test, Hosinsul
Full description: INVITATION
Info about registrations: Registration only trough this website until 05. September 2024. at 23:59.
Fee: Individual entry fee for World Cup (Only colour belt-Kids, young cadets, Cadets,Juniors,Adults, Veterans) is:
70 Euros for the competitor (Conversion $80 or £60).
75 euros for a team competition (Conversion $85 or £65).
Paid by cash at arrival directly to the UITF / CTTI registration point.
Tournament schedule: 10th July 2024

Deadline for submitting Umpire application forms

13th July 2024

Deadline for all reservation of accommodation.

15th August 2024

Deadline for adding or changing participants in the Online registrations
Total number of entries: 380
Total number of competitors: 263
total number of clubs: 17
Total number of countries: 11